Ash, Carol E.   Modern Management of COPD & Asthma: Breathing a Breath of Fresh Air                          

Baldwin, Mark   Nephrology in the Roaring 20’s                   

Baldwin, Mark D., Blackburn, Gerald W., Dery, MarkAlain, Hubbard, Kevin P., & Martin, Bryan L.   Tests I Wish You'd Never Ordered                    

Barreiro, Timothy J.   Diversifying Clinical Trails: Strategies to Engage Women and Minority Participants                

Beckrow, Jason R.   Palliative Medicine 2021                 

Blackburn, Gerald W. & Martin, Bryan L.   Vaccine Amnesia: How Quickly We Forget             

Bulger, John   Burn the Boats: The Value of the Journey                     

Carron,  Annette T. & Hermann, Jodie  Exploring the Role of OPP in Daily Patient Care: OMM in Our New World 

Carron, Annette T.   Pharmacotherapy for Opioid Use Disorders (OUD)                   

Caudle, Jennifer    The Pandemic & Beyond: Maintaining Physicians' Vitality, Resilience & Purpose                     

Chan, Lili    Has COVID19 Taxed How We Deliver Acute and Chronic Care for Patients?

Chilton, Robert    Pumping Up the Role of SGLT2 Inhibition for the Management of Heart Failure                   

Dave, Perry      Updates in Hospital Medicine                        

Dery, MarkAlain      HIV/AIDS                  

Dery, MarkAlain & Taormina, Mia A.    COVID 2022               

Faulk, Tarra        Glomerular Filtration Rate (eGFR) and the Diverse Population                       

Feinberg, Howard L.       Emergencies and Pitfalls in Rheumatology for the Practicing Internist                 

Forman, Mitchell D. & Havens, W. Donald         Ethics                     

Freeman, Jeffrey     Challenges and Recent Progress in the Development of Continuous Glucose Monitoring: Closed Loop System                 

Garwood, Steven      Developing Learning Objectives                         

Garwood, Steven     Providing and Receiving Feedback                       

Green, Dorainne J.     Strategies for Physicians to Help People Cope with Discrimination                      

Gupta, Gaurav   Transplant in the COVID-19 Era                      

Haffey, Thomas    Current Use of Aspirin for ASCVD Primary and Secondary Prevention                   

Hasty, Robert    Hospital Medicine Journal Club                       

Hock, Leonard   Difficult Conversations and Resources                        

Hubbard, Kevin P.    The Enlarged Lymph Node                    

Kaprow, Marc G.     Prevention of Medical Errors                   

Layher, Heather        Dermatology – What You Need To Know             

Layher, Heather        IM and Dermatology Cases                          

Lenchus, Joshua       Prescribing Controlled Substances Update                   

Lindner, David H.      NTM with ATS Guidelines             

Lindner, David H.      Sarcoidosis with ATS Guidelines                    

Mallay, Rubaiya         IgG4-Related Disease           

McCollum, Joseph     Palliative Oncology               

Milton, C. Clark          The Great American Cannabis Experiment                     

Mints, Sheila      Telemedicine: The Benefits and Pitfalls 2021                       

Mohrhardt, Lindsay         IBD: Diagnosis and Management with COVID-19 Updates                           

Osterholm, Michael T.    Fireside Chat: Where We’ve Been, Where We’re Going   

Polk, Donna    Beyond Statins: New Approaches to Manage ASCVD Risk                         

Presswala, Lubaina S.   Filtering Out the Potential Role of SGLT2 Inhibitors for the Management of Chronic Kidney Disease             

Rastaf, Norman    Immunotherapy: Expanding the Scope of Targetable Tumors                     

Rey, Jennifer      Domestic Violence and Training Session                         

Rey, Jennifer      Human Trafficking         

Roman, Torfay      NASH: More than a “Fatty Liver”: A Primer on Non-Alcoholic Liver Disease                    

Sciamanna, Christopher     When to Refer to Advanced Heart Failure             

Sowka, Joseph   Eye Care for the Internist           

Sterbank, Julie   Mechanisms and Reactions    

Sterbank, Julie, et al       Physician Burnout – Panel Discussion                 

Suchyta, Mary R.      Post-ICU COVID-19 Rehabilitation                   

Sundermann, Melissa     Lifestyle Medicine and Plant-Based Nutrition                        

Sutton, John R.      Bone and Mineral Metabolism: What Can We Do Now?                     

Taormina, Mia A.      Care of the Transgender Patient                     

Taormina, Mia A.     Approach to the COVID Long-Hauler             

Taormina, Mia A.    Challenges in the Treatment and Prevention of the Novel Corona Virus SARS-CoV2 (COVID-19)

Taormina, Mia A. & Dery, MarkAlain       Public Health Communications                   

Tartaglia, Michele      How We Learn Clinical Medicine                  

Tulchinsky, Mark E.    Theranostic Nuclear Medicine is Promising to Revolutionize Treatment of Cancers                 

Vanar, Vishwas    Cost Effective Evaluations and Treatment of IBS                      

Whims-Squires,Lisa        Mental Health and its Impact in Sleep                   

Winn, Jason D. Florida     Laws and Rules/Professional Medical Ethics                     

Young, Jill    Coding Changes to Office and Other Outpatient Services for 2021:  How to Make Them Relevant to Your Practice                     

Zito, Susan         Reactive Arthritis: What you Need to Know