ACOI 2021 Annual Convention and Scientific Sessions – Together Again in Orlando, FL

President's Welcome

Greetings and I wish you all a warm welcome to Orlando, Florida for the 2021 ACOI Annual Convention and Scientific Sessions. The past 2 years have resulted in startling changes to the way we meet and the way we learn, keeping in step with COVID- 19 restrictions, while reaching out to meet the needs of our members. Although last year’s entirely virtual convention was successful, we are excited to welcome you to this new Hybrid Format.

The theme of our convention is Medicine 3.0, chosen by our Program Chair Robert T. Hasty, DO, FACOI. He chose this as we reflect the changes in medicine over the last 120 years, and this last iteration and explosion of biotechnology, virtual medicine, remote monitoring and population health advances, much of which have been accelerated by our battle with COVID- 19.

For those new to our convention, we welcome you whether you are attending virtually, or you are here with us live. During the next 4 days we hope you are able to enjoy the exciting plenary sessions weaving through practice management and throughout the subspecialties. We welcome our new members before the first plenary sessions begin, and round out the first evening with our welcome reception for those able to join us live.

This year we have exceptional Keynote Speakers, who will provide us with different perspectives on the pandemic, and offer physicians insight into the impact of this struggle. Before the end of the week, we will welcome new fellows to the designation of FACOI, and we will welcome our incoming President, Robert L. DiGiovanni, DO, FACOI.

Healthcare has evolved to Medicine 3.0 and the content delivered here will add insight into current trends, treatments and opportunities to improve the lives of our patients. We have planned this event carefully and with Safety in mind which Dr. Hasty will review in his remarks. We look forward to meeting the need of our Osteopathic Internal Medicine Colleagues through whichever media you have chosen, and meeting the needs of your families that have traveled here with you.

Thank you for taking time away from your practice to be part of this special convention.

Michael A. Adornetto, DO, MBA, FACOI
2020-2021 ACOI President

Medicine 3.0

Modern medicine has its roots in the late 19th century with leaders such as Drs. A.T. Still and Sir William Osler. Throughout the twentieth century medicine evolved, impacting countless lives along the way. At the turn of the 21st century, the Internet and its related technologies brought about significant changes to healthcare, and we entered the second era of modern medicine. Then, in 2020, medicine underwent another seismic shift as a result of COVID-19 and we entered a third era of modern medicine: Medicine 3.0.

This developing age of medicine is evident by significant changes in the provider-patient relationship with the dramatic advances of healthcare delivery via telehealth and telemedicine. Legions of men and women have decided to devote their professional lives to pursue healthcare-related fields as seen by an increase in interest in health careers. Being termed the “Fauci Effect,” public health and disease prevention have now entered new heights in terms of public interest – all the while advancements in medical therapeutics have evolved at an ever-increasing pace.

The theme of the 2021 ACOI Annual Convention is centered around this new era and how Medicine 3.0 has changed the practice of medicine and has the potential of improving the lives of countless people, including the practice of medicine for the osteopathic internist. As the chairman of the ACOI Annual Convention Committee, I personally welcome you to the 2021 ACOI Annual Convention as we enter this exciting new era of modern medicine.


Robert Hasty, DO, FACOI, FACP
Program Chair, 2021 ACOI Convention & Scientific Sessions