Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

When does registration close?
Registration for the in-person Annual Convention will close on October 28, 2024 and reopen on-site on Wednesday, October 30, 2024 at 8:00 am. Registration for the virtual Annual Convention will close on December 6, 2024.

How long do I have to view the lectures?
The lectures will be available online until December 15, 2024. We cannot make exceptions due to end of the year CME reporting.

What is the cancelation policy?
A processing fee of $100 will be charged for cancellations received at any time before October 18, 2024. To obtain a refund, emailed cancellation request must be received by October 18, 2024, to No refunds will be made after that date, but registration fees (less $100 cancellation fee) may be applied to a future ACOI meeting registration. No refunds or credits will be given after October 18, 2024.

How do I access the virtual meeting?
To access the virtual platform, log in to the ACOI User Dashboard using your existing ACOI or ACOI Online Learning Center account. If this is your first time using our site or attending an ACOI meeting, an account will be created for you and log in instructions will be sent by email after your registration has been processed. Once logged in, scroll down to Community & Education, and click on Launch ACOI 2024.  

Help, the video isn't loading or I don't have sound!
Please make sure you have a stable high speed internet connection and that you are not trying to access the site through a VPN. You may also email for tech support.   

CME Questions

How many credits are available?
ACOI 2024 will offer approximately 48.50 AOA Category 1A Credits / AMA-PRA Category 1 Credits™, as well as MOC Points for those who are ABIM certified. 

How do I claim my CME?
Once you have totaled up the number of hours you attended, you can attest to your credits and download your certificate using our online form.  Please note that if you are board certified by the AOBIM, you need AOA Category 1A CME credits. If you are board certified by the ABIM, you need MOC points. To earn MOC points, you must fill out the evaluations.

IMPORTANT:  There is a firm deadline for claiming CME or MOC: ACOI Registrants will not be able to claim CME or MOC for the ACOI 2024 Annual Convention & Scientific Sessions after December 15, 2024. This deadline cannot be extended.

How do I evaluate the speakers?
The speaker evaluations are linked on the virtual platform. You can find them in the resources section underneath the session video. If you don't have a chance to evaluate the session right away, you'll be able to access the resources section again within 24 hours after the lecture is streamed. This year, the evaluations will also be available on our mobile app. More details will be shared as we get closer to the Convention.

Does ACOI report my CME?
ACOI will report your CME to the AOA or ACCME. For state licensure, you must send the certificates to CE Broker or your state licensing board directly. AOA Category 1A Credits reported monthly starting May 1st, AMA PRA Category 1 Credits are reported on December 23, 2024, and ABIM MOC Points reported on December 23, 2024.

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