SOIMA 2023-2024 Officer Elections

Candidates for Region IV Representative

Mariam Alam, OMS III, Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine              

In my role as a regional representative, I am dedicated to providing direction and contributing to the ongoing advancement of SOIMA. My prior involvement on the internal medicine board at Rocky Vista University allowed me to organize events that hosted physicians from the field, fostering network opportunities and exploring emerging topics. Additionally, my experience with the Osteopathic Medical Student Association (OMSC) in Colorado has enabled me to collaborate with local organizations to foster opportunities that support osteopathic medical students. I will utilize lessons of teamwork and collaboration to assist SOIMA’s growth and provide assistance to internal medicine clubs. 

Alexander Douglas, OMS IV, Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine              

Hello ACOI Student Members!

My name is Alexander (Alex) Douglas and I am a 4th year medical student at Oklahoma State University - College of Osteopathic Medicine. I am honored to showcase myself as a potential candidate for the role of Region 4 Representative within ACOI. As a student who is applying internal medicine this year, I have a strong passion for the field and the impact the specialty has on its diverse patient population. I understand the importance of being a leader who leads with dedication, enthusiasm, and service. I believe my SOIMA experiences have grown these traits into true strengths for me.

During my 2nd year, I served as the SOIMA Vice-President at OSU-COM. In this role, I introduced new opportunities for the members to learn more about Internal Medicine and give back to the community. My favorite event was creating an opportunity titled “How to Survive and Succeed on your IM Rotation” aimed at rising third year medical students. Our home IM program director, rising chief resident, and 3rd year residents came and led a discussion about what being successful on the rotation entailed. Additionally, while working with our emergency medicine and family medicine interest group leadership, we collaborated and executed a joint volunteer event with the Tulsa chapter of the Walk to End Alzheimer’s group since this condition has patients that would be representative in all of our patient pools. Additionally, I co-planned a series of events with the OU-Tulsa internal medicine interest group for the #ProudtobeGIM campaign. Through this campaign, we created an opportunity to allow local general internists the framework to explain why their field is special and multiple networking events for students and professionals.

As the Region IV Representative, I hope to empower the SOIMA chapters of the region and elevate our collective impact. I see myself working with the region through 3 domains of interest: 
- 1. Perspective: I believe we are only as strong as the voices around us; therefore, I want to give the Region IV members the opportunity to express their concerns, ideas, and goals. Through this mindset, I want to create an inclusive environment where students from all backgrounds feel valued and represented.
- 2. Mentorship: Mentorship is vital for our growth as budding professionals. I want to actively work on ways we can create meaningful connections with experienced internists. By doing so, this helps foster a sense of community within the region. 
- 3. Collaboration: Progress is a collaborative effort. I want to forge connections between the region and national SOIMA chapters so they can rely on each other and I can be a bridge of support for them. Through collaboration, I want to leverage collective insights to drive forward-thinking opportunities to benefit our members. I think it is important to have a database of successful events that other chapters have access to for their own chapter benefit.

With an unwavering passion for internal medicine and leadership, I am committed to serving as a bridge between students and professionals, fostering collaboration, and progress that will propel ACOI and SOIMA forward. Thank you for considering me for this role!

Cheyanne Izon, OMS II, Kansas College of Osteopathic Medicine              

The journey from medical student to resident to attending is long, difficult, and confusing, no matter who you are or what stage of the journey you are in. Organizations like the ACOI exist to make that journey a little bit easier, whether that be through connecting its members to provide a sense of community and mentorship or providing valuable resources on how to best succeed at every step of this process. As a second-year student in the inaugural class of a brand-new medical school, I know firsthand how valuable national organizations can be as both the school and its students learn how to navigate that journey. I am also aware of the integral role that regional representatives of national organizations can play in allowing students across the country to access resources and make meaningful connections. As Region IV Representative, it is my goal to serve as the point of contact and a support system for all groups within my region. I hope to assist in connecting local chapters to national resources as well as provide the opportunity for the organizations within region IV to voice their opinions at a national level. After spending my undergraduate years at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO and finishing my first year of medical school in Wichita, KS, I have become well acquainted with the states that make up region IV. This transition from my undergraduate studies in Colorado to attending medical school in Kansas helped me to better understand the wide range of differences between the states within Region IV. The concerns and needs of an osteopathic internal medicine club in Colorado may be different than one in Kansas, Texas, or Arkansas. It would be my hope as Regional Representative to learn about the culture and individual needs of ACOI chapters in all areas of Region IV and to help these organizations grow and thrive. As Region IV Director, it will be my mission to not only provide the students in this region with the help and support they need as they move from medical school to residency, but also to develop a sense of community among students that are passionate about becoming osteopathic internists that will carry beyond out time in medical school and into our future practice. 
Lindsey Nichols, OMS II, Rocky Vista University College of Osteopathic Medicine              

Dear Members of the Student Osteopathic Internal Medicine Association,

I am thrilled to submit my candidacy for the position of Regional Representative within our highly valued association. With a passionate commitment to advancing osteopathic internal medicine, I am excited about potentially having the opportunity to contribute to our collective growth and success.

Medical school is challenging. The volume of information is daunting. In addition to learning the basic sciences, pathology, pharmacology, application of the science to real patients, interviewing skills among other skills, students are charged with finding a specialty. Most students aim to find the specialty that they are not only passionate about but the one they feel they can make the most difference in and the one they can best serve their community. I consider myself privileged in that regard; my mom is an Internist. I have had ready access and exposure to the field. I have been able to ask any question I have in a safe space. It is important to first understand the field before one can hope to not only thrive within it but to also try and make it better. If elected as the Regional Representative, I will work to foster an environment where members can connect, learn, and thrive.

Here's how I think that might be able to happen:
1. Advocacy for Excellence: I believe in setting high standards for ourselves and our profession. I will advocate for workshops, seminars, and training programs that equip our members with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in the rapidly evolving landscape of internal medicine.

2. Networking and Collaboration: The power of our association lies in the connections we forge. I am dedicated to organizing networking events that bring together students, mentors, and professionals, creating opportunities for invaluable mentorship and partnership. By collaborating with other regional representatives and healthcare organizations, we can amplify our impact and extend our reach.

3. Professional Development: A crucial aspect of our journey is continuous growth. I will advocate for bringing renowned speakers and experts to our region, sharing insights into emerging trends, research breakthroughs, and clinical innovations. These events will not only enhance our knowledge but also inspire us to be catalysts of change within our own practices.

4. Community Engagement: A strong community forms the foundation of any successful association. I am committed to fostering an inclusive and welcoming environment that encourages active participation and engagement. I will do my best to make sure that every member feels heard and valued.

5. Advocacy for Osteopathic Medicine: Our distinct approach to healthcare sets us apart. I will advocate for the integration of osteopathic principles into modern medical practices, ensuring that our unique perspective continues to contribute to patient-centered care and holistic healing.
If selected as your Regional Representative, I will strive to amplify the voice of our members, advocate for our shared goals, and elevate the practice of osteopathic internal medicine in our region.

Thank you for considering my candidacy.

Hannah Peterson, OMS II, Kansas City University College of Osteopathic Medicine - Joplin Campus              

My name is Hannah Peterson, and I am running to be the SOIMA Region IV Representative. I am an OMS II at Kansas City University COM on the Joplin Campus. I am running for this position to continue my involvement in and share my love for the ACOI. Currently, I am on the board for KCU Joplin’s Internal Medicine Club as the SOIMA Liaison. This was a new position for our club and only one month in, I have already gained so much from it. I have been able to connect with multiple IM physician faculty at other DO schools and am excited to bring them to Joplin. I plan to continue working with the ACOI to connect more students to their incredible physician members. And of course, promote their fantastic SOLID lectures. Also, I am thrilled to plan and be part of the first group of KCU Joplin students to attend the ACOI convention next month. I had the opportunity to make this position my own and have already been able to bring so much to my school because of my ambition and the help of the ACOI. I plan to do the same if elected as your Region Representative. Even if not, the ACOI is such a great organization that brings so much to us IM loving medical students, and I am thrilled to continue to work with them as our SOIMA Liaison, but I do hope to have the opportunity to work with them even more as a Region Representative. 

The first time I heard the words Internal Medicine was when I was working as an ER Scribe, and after a long night of curious Googling, it was love at first sight. For the last year, I have been the Nephrology Special Interest Group Leader for our IM Club. It was a great opportunity to work with my peers and increase their interest in Nephrology, along with working with the community to help patients living with CKD. It was fantastic as a first year to get leadership experience and to get more involved in IM and our great community in Joplin. I am happy to pass the torch to the two new Nephrology SIG Leaders and to help them throughout the year. As much as I love Nephrology, I joke that I do not have to make my mind up for six years because I do not see a future where I am not in an IM residency in three years. I know this is where I am meant to be. I am so happy to be surrounded by people who love this as much as I do, both at my school’s IM club and in the ACOI. 

A bit more about me, I am originally from Cedar Rapids, IA, and attended the University of Northern Iowa for undergrad. I am also the oldest of five children, so I have been in a leadership role more or less my entire life. I worked for one year as an ER Scribe while finishing college and then worked for one year as a full-time Family Practice Chief Scribe. The ER doctors I worked with are the reason I am at an osteopathic school because they were such incredible physicians I decided to apply DO. Best decision I have ever made. In these jobs, I worked closely with physicians and all the other critical parts of a care team. Also, as the Chief Scribe, I improved my leadership skills as I managed my team of scribes across multiple sites. From these experiences, I learned my approach to leadership is to always listen first. In this role, I hope to get more input from students about what the ACOI can do for them, especially with these new positions. That has been the best part of my SOIMA Liaison position, and with this new Region Representative position, I also hope to make it my own. I plan to get feedback from every DO school in Region IV and keep in touch with them for the entirety of the time I hold the position. The ACOI does so much, but with our help, they can do even more. So, as your Region VI Representative, I will bring my experience, my leadership, and most of all my passion. I plan to help every SOIMA club in my region bring more opportunities to their students. Also, I know that with the suggestions I have and that I will get from my region, I can bring them to the ACOI for the betterment of every SOIMA club. Thank you for your consideration. 

Stay True to Why You Pursued Medicine.