ACOI Presidents

2023-24 - Robert T. Hasty, DO, FACOI
2022-23 - Joanne Kaiser-Smith, DO, MACOI
2021-22 - Robert L. DiGiovanni, DO, MACOI
2020-21 - Michael A. Adornetto, DO, FACOI
2019-20 - Samuel K. Snyder, DO, FACOI
2018-19 - Annette T. Carron, DO, MACOI
2017-18 - Martin C. Burke, DO, MACOI
2016-17 - John R. Sutton, DO, MACOI
2015-16 - John B. Bulger, DO, MBA, MACOI
2014-15 - Judith A. Lightfoot, DO, MACOI
2013-14 - Rick A. Greco, DO, MACOI
2012-13 - Robert G. Good, DO, MACOI
2011-12 - Jack D. Bragg, DO, MACOI
2010-11 - Thomas F. Morley, DO, MACOI
2009-10 - Michael B. Clearfield, DO, MACOI
2008-09 - Humayun J. Chaudhry, DO, MS, MACOI
2007-08 - Kevin P. Hubbard, DO, MACOI
2006-07 - Joanna R. Pease, DO, MACOI
2005-06 - Frederick A. Schaller, DO, MACOI
2004-05 - Thomas A. Cavalieri, DO, MACOI
2003-04 - Lawrence U. Haspel, DO, MACOI
2002-03 - Robert J. Stomel, DO, MACOI
2001-02 - Theresa M. Matzura, DO, FACOI
2000-01 - Karen J. Nichols, DO, MACOI
1999-00 - John F. Uslick, DO, MACOI
1998-99 - Anthony N. Ottaviani, DO, MACOI
1997-98 - Kenneth E. Calabrese, DO, FACOI
1996-97 - James C. Giudice, DO, MACOI
1995-96 - Michael I. Opipari, DO, MACOI
1994-95 - Gail D. Burchett, DO, MACOI
1993-94 - Gary L. Slick, DO, MACOI
1992-93 - Jay G. Beckwith, DO, MACOI
1991-92 - W.W. Stoever, DO, MACOI
1990-91 - Larry A. Wickless, DO, MACOI
1989-90 - Paul E. Kudelko, DO, MACOI
1988-89 - Andrew A. Pecora, DO, MACOI
1987-88 - Anthony J. Malcoun, DO, MACOI
1986-87 - Thomas W. Allen, DO, MACOI
1985-86 - Leonard Mennen, DO, MACOI
1984-85 - T. Bryson Struse, III, DO, FACOI
1983-84 - David Rothman, DO, MACOI
1982-83 - Eugene A. Oliveri, DO, MACOI
1981-82 - George T. Caleel, DO, FACOI
1980-81 - David Susser, DO, MACOI
1979-80 - Joseph V. Koehler, DO, MACOI
1978-79 - Murray H. Cohen, DO, MACOI
1977-78 - B.B. Baker, DO, FACOI
1976-77 - Albert F. D'Alonzo, DO, FACOI
1975-76 - S.J. DeVito, DO, FACOI
1974-75 - Alexander Price, DO, FACOI
1973-74 - Joseph R. McNerney, DO, FACOI
1972-73 - Max T. Gutensohn, DO, FACOI
1971-72 - Donald H. Briner, DO, FACOI
1970-71 - R. Wayne Baldridge, DO, FACOI
1969-70 - Richard P. DeNise, DO, FACOI
1968-69 - William B. Strong, DO, FACOI
1967-68 - Joseph F. DePetris, DO, MACOI
1966-67 - J. Milton Zimmerman, DO, FACOI
1965-66 - Theodore Weinberg, DO, FACOI
1964-65 - D. Leonard Vidgerman, DO, FACOI
1963-64 - John Crowther, DO, FACOI
1962-63 - Ralph J. Tomei, DO, MACOI
1961-62 - Joseph T. Rogers, DO, MACOI
1960-61 - H. Earle Beasley, DO, FACOI
1959-60 - Ward E. Perrin, DO, FACOI
1958-59 - Victor R. Fisher, DO, FACOI
1957-58 - Robert K. Schiefer, DO, FACOI
1956-57 - Grover N. Gillum, DO, FACOI
1955-56 - Earl F. Riceman, DO, FACOI
1954-55 - Neil R. Kitchen, DO, FACOI
1953-54 - G.A. Whetstine, DO, MACOI
1952-53 - Ace L. Pettigrew, DO, FACOI
1951-52 - William F. Daiber, DO, FACOI
1950-51 - Samuel V. Robuck, DO, FACOI
1949-50 - Glennard E. Lahrson, DO, FACOI
1948-49 - Charles M. Worrell, DO, FACOI
1947-48 - Earl E. Congdon, DO, FACOI
1946-47 - Ralph F. Lindberg, DO, FACOI
1944-46 - Arthur D. Becker, DO, FACOI
1943-44 - Paul B. Cracken, DO, FACOI
1941-43 - Louis C. Chandler, DO, FACOI

Memorial Lectures

2024 - Joanne Kaiser-Smith, DO, MACOI
The Good Doctor

2023 - Robert L. DiGiovanni, DO, MACOI
“Quo Vadis?” Where Are You Marching, Osteopathic Medicine?

2022 - Michael A. Adornetto, DO, FACOI
The Making of an Osteopathic Internist

2021 - Samuel K. Snyder, DO, FACOI 
Fever, Fire, and Focus

2020 - Annette T. Carron, DO, MACOI
What We Wish For

2019 - Martin C. Burke, DO, FACOI
Our Search for Osteopathic Meaning

2018 - John R. Sutton, DO, FACOI
It's Always Been Within You

2017 - John B. Bulger, DO, MBA, FACOI

2016 - Judith A. Lightfoot, DO, MACOI
The Conscientious Physician: Continuing for the Next 75 Years –Surviving Healthcare Reform

2015 - Rick A. Greco, DO, FACOI
ACOI Looks at 75

2014 - Robert G. Good, DO, FACOI
Multiplying the Phoenix Physician

2013 - Jack D. Bragg, DO, FACOI
Lincoln on Leadership

2012 - Thomas F. Morley, DO, FACOI

2011 - Michael B. Clearfield, DO, FACOI
Your Mr. Holland Moment

2010 - Humayun J. Chaudhry, DO, MS, FACOI
Primary and Principal Care Medicine

2009 - Kevin P. Hubbard, DO, FACOI
Medicine in the Hands of an Angry Government

2008 - Joanna R. Pease, DO, FACOI
The Meaning of Professionalism

2007 - Frederick A. Schaller, DO, FACOI
Making A Difference

2006 - Thomas A. Cavalieri, DO, FACOI
Has Medicine Lost It's Heart?

2005 - Lawrence U. Haspel, DO, MACOI
The Gift is for the Giver

2004 - Robert J. Stomel, DO, FACOI
Osteopathic Osmosis: Passing on the Tradition

2003 - Theresa M. Matzura, DO, FACOI
Remaining an Osteopathic Internist in a Changing World

2002 - Karen J. Nichols, DO, FACOI
Mentoring Our Future

2001 - John F. Uslick, DO, MACOI
To Be Or Not To Be

2000 - Anthony N. Ottaviani, DO, MACOI
A Profession Gratefully Acknowledged

1999 - Kenneth E. Calabrese, DO, FACOI
Disguised Opportunity

1998 - James C. Giudice, DO, MACOI
Building a Brick House

1997 - Michael I. Opipari, DO, MACOI
Leading the Pace of Change: Crisis or Opportunity

1996 - Gail D. Burchett, DO, MACOI
Slippery Slope

1995 - Gary L. Slick, DO, MACOI
Tribute to Osteopathic Internists Past and Present

1994 - Jay G. Beckwith, DO, MACOI
Seize the Moment

1993 - W.W. Stoever, DO, MACOI
The Internist's Triad

1992 - Larry W. Wickless, DO, MACOI
Evolution Revisited

1991 - Paul E. Kudelko, DO, MACOI
ACOI: The Next Fifty Years

1990 - Andrew A. Pecora, DO, MACOI
The Compassionate Touch

1989 - Anthony J. Malcoun, DO, MACOI
Crossroads: Lead or Be Led

1988 - Thomas Allen, DO, MACOI
Docere: The Internist as the Teacher

1987 - Leonard Mennen, DO, MACOI
Medicine - Still a Good Profession

1986 - T. Bryson Struse, III, DO, FACOI
The Challenge of Honor

1985 - David Rothman, DO, MACOI
Megatrends in Medicine

1984 - Eugene A. Oliveri, DO, MACOI
Osteopathic Internist: Physician or Technician

1983 - George T. Caleel, DO, FACOI
The Legacy and the Challenge

1982 - A. Carson Todd, DO, MACOI
Osler Revisited

1981 - Joseph V. Koehler, DO, MACOI
ACOI: Past, Present and Future

1980 - Murray H. Cohen, DO, MACOI
Clinical Disorders of Gastroinestinal Motility

1979 - William H. Dickerson, DO, FACOI
Infective Endocarditis

1978 - Albert F. D'Alonzo, DO, FACOI
Quo Vadis

1977 - S.J. DeVito, DO, FACOI
A Critique on Polarizing Solutions; Based on 20 Years Clinical Experience

1976 - Alexander Price, DO, FACOI
Chest Pain

1975 - B.B. Baker, DO, FACOI
Arthritis-Disease of the Ages

1974 - William B. Strong, DO, FACOI
A Philosophic Differnce

1973 - Donald H. Briner, DO, FACOI
Biological Amplification in Immune Reactions

1972 - Joseph DePetris, DO, MACOI
Tunnel Vision Syndrome

1971 - Jesse L. Steinfeld, MD, Surgeon-General, United States
Changes in Medical Education for the 70's

1970 - Max T. Gutensohn, DO, FACOI
Extracranial Artery Insufficiency and Diseases Related to Transient Ischemic Attacks

1969 - J. Milton Zimmerman, DO, FACOI
Pulmonary Embolism-Pulmonary Infarction

1968 - Theodore Weinberg, DO, FACOI
Thyroid-Catecholamine Relationships

1967 - William Baldwin, Jr., DO, FACOI
The Role of Alpha and Beta Adrenergic Blocking Agents in Osteopathic Medicine

1966 - Joseph T. Rogers, DO, MACOI
Lost Horizons

1965 - John L. Crowther, DO, FACOI
The Anticoagulant Dilemma

1964 - Ward E. Perrin, DO, FACOI
Physician Dropout

1963 - Earl E. Congdon, DO, FACOI
Gentlemen and Scholars

1962 - John B. Field, DO, FACOI
Management of the Lymphomas and Leukemias

1961 - Robert K. Schiefer, DO, FACOI
Azotemia, A Medical Challenge

1960 - G.A. Whetstine, DO, MACOI
The Differential Diagnosis of Neuro-Muscular Problems of the Upper Extremity

1959 - William F. Daiber, DO, FACOI
Experiences in the Management of Coronary Disease

1958 - Neil R. Kitchen, DO, FACOI
Artherosclerosis; Atherogenesis, Clinical Recognition and Treatment

1957 - Ralph F. Lindberg, DO, FACOI
The Education of an Internist

1956 - Stuart F. Harkness, DO, FACOI
The Responsibility of the Hospital Staff in Latrogenic Morbidity and Mortality

1955 - Charles M. Worrell, DO, FACOI
Fluid and Electrolyte Patterns of Diabetic Acidosis

1954 - Orville L. Hastings, DO, FACOI
Clinical Application of Intermittent Positive Pressure Therapy

1953 - Grover N. Gillum, DO, FACOI
The Patient's Stress Factors as They Relate to the Role of the Internist

1952 - H. Earle Beasley, DO, FACOI
Clinical Evaluation of the Cardia Status

1951 - Glennard E. Lahrson, DO, FACOI
The Etiology and Genesis of Peptic Ulcer

1950 - Samuel V. Robuck, DO, FACOI
The Relation of the Osteopathic Somatic Lesion to Visceral Pathology

1949 - Louis C. Chandler, DO, FACOI
Physiological Integration as the Basis for Recovery from Disease

1948 - Ralph L. Fisher, DO, FACOI
The Philosphy of an Osteopathic Internist

Stay True to Why You Pursued Medicine.