Committee Structure

Executive Committee

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Susan M. Enright, DO, MACOI, President
Damon L. Baker, DO, FACOI, President-Elect
Robert T. Hasty, DO, FACOI, Immediate Past President 
Joanne Kaiser-Smith, DO, MACOI, Past President  
C. Clark Milton, DO, FACOI, Secretary-Treasurer
David L. Tolentino, DO, FACOI, At Large

Finance Committee

Click here for full committee description

Robert T. Hasty, DO, FACOI, Chair
Joanne Kaiser-Smith, DO, MACOI
Susan M. Enright, DO, MACOI
Damon L. Baker, DO, FACOI
C. Clark Milton, DO, FACOI
David L. Tolentino, DO, FACOI

Committee on Climate and Health

Click here to read the full committee description.

Mary S. Badger, DO, FACOI, Chair
David de la Pena, DO
Samuel K. Snyder, DO, MACOI, Advisor
Stephen Greenstein, DO, FACOI
Jodie L. Hermann, DO, FACOI
Thomas M. Motyka, DO
Tanya Phares, DO
Harpreet K. Tsui, DO, FACOI
Valerie Agena, DO, FACOI
Aarsh Sheth, Student Representative
Timothy McNichol, JD, Staff Liaison

CME Committee

Click here for full committee description

C. Clark Milton, DO, FACOI, Chair/Convention Chair
Mia A. Taormina, DO, FACOI, Vice Chair
Mark D. Baldwin, DO, MACOI, Subspecialties
Patrick C. Cullinan, DO, FACOI, At Large
Watson Ducatel, DO, FACOI, Vice Chair - Convention
Rick A. Greco, DO, MACOI, Hospital Medicine Update
Kevin P. Hubbard, DO, MACOI, Board Review Course
Nadeem Mukhtar, DO, FACOI, CGME
Laura M. Rosch, DO, FACOI, OMM
Mary R. Suchyta, DO, FACOI, At Large
Ali Harb, DO, Resident Representative
Joshua Layher, DO, Resident Liaison
John Arthur, DO, Resident Representative
Kristan Davis, MEd, Staff Liaison
Keisha Oglesby, Staff Liaison

Committee on Ethnically and Racially Underrepresented Populations in Medicine

Click here for full committee description

Watson Ducatel, DO, FACOI, Chair
Timothy J. Barreiro, DO, MACOI
Monica S. Carter, DO, FACOI
Anya K. Cope, DO, FACOI
Emmanuel A. McDonald, DO
Nicola A. McLean, DO, FACOI
Berry Pierre, DO, FACOI
Kellee Randle, DO, FACOI
Troy L. Randle, DO, FACOI 
Adrian Renaldi, DO
Kardie Tobb, DO
Lucia Schroeder, DO, Resident Representative
Saba Ahmed, Student Representative
Bianca Garcia, Student Representative
Erin Ross, MS, Staff Liaison

Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Charlene A. LePane, DO, MBA, FACOI
MarkAlain Déry, DO, MPH, FACOI
Mia A. Taormina, DO, FACOI
Erik D. Wert, DO, FACOI
Susmita Manam, Student Representative
Jeremy McFarland, Staff Liaison

Government Affairs Committee

Click here for full committee description

Jeanette M. Kelley, DO, FACOI, Chair
Darrin C. D'Agostino, DO, MBA, MACOI
Francesca M. Buskulic, DO, FACOI
Martin S. Clemmons, DO, FACOI
Wayne R. Carlsen, DO, FACOI
Jennifer Cox, DO
Megan E. Eshbaugh, FACOI
Virginia Irwin-Scott, DO, FACOI
Peter Meyers, DO, FACOI
Nathan P. Samsa, DO, PharmD, FACOI
Gregg S. Silberg, DO, FACOI
Todd A. Smith, DO, FACOI
David L. Tolentino, DO, FACOI
Fred Foster West, DO, Resident Representative
Shweta Gupta, Student Representative
Timothy McNichol, JD, Staff Liaison

Honors & Awards Committee

Kevin P. Hubbard, DO, MACOI, Chair
Jack D. Bragg, DO, MACOI
John B. Bulger, DO, MBA, MACOI
Michael B. Clearfield, DO, MACOI
Susan M. Enright, DO, MACOI
Robert T. Hasty, DO, FACOI
G. Michael Johnston, DO, FACOI
Laura Rosch, DO, FACOI
Karen Caruth, MBA, Staff Liaison
Claudette Jones, Staff Liaison

Osteopathic Integration Task Force

Ken Baxa, DO, FACOI
Natasha N. Bray, DO, FACOI
Matthew R. Hardee, DO, FACOI
Jodie L. Hermann, DO, FACOI
Cassi D. Reams Jones, DO, FACOI
Laura M. Rosch, DO, FACOI
Evelyn A. Schwalenberg, DO, FACOI
David Spencer, DO
Zachary K. West, DO, FACOI
Kevin W. Wilson, DO, FACOI
Ahad Khatri, Student Representative
Kristan Davis, MEd, Staff Liaison

Osteopathic Medical Education Continuum Council

Click here for full committee description

David L. Tolentino, DO, FACOI, Co-Chair
Laura M. Rosch, DO, FACOI, Co-Chair
Robert P. Aran, DO
Mark D. Baldwin, DO, MACOI
Angela C. Cavanna, DO, FACOI
Simona Eng, DO, FACOI
Susan M. Enright, DO, MACOI
Robert G. Good, DO, MACOI
Gregory E. Harris, DO, FACOI
Joanne Kaiser-Smith, DO, MACOI
Joshua Layher, DO
David S. Levy, DO, FACOI
Laura Preece, DO, FACOI
Nicholas Harriel, DO, Resident Representative
Emily Ranta, OMS-IV, Student Representative, SOIMA
Timothy McNichol, JD, Staff Liaison
Kara Kerns, Staff Liaison

Physician Wellness Committee

Click here for a full committee description

Julie K. Sterbank, DO, FACOI, Chair
Angela De Hamer, DO, FACOI, Vice Chair
Joanne Baker, DO, FACOI
Jason Beckrow, DO, FACOI
Nicholas Caputo, DO, FACOI
Katherine D. Cook, DO, FACOI
Kristine Cooper, DO, FACOI
Meghan Haas, DO, FACOI
Britney A. McCarty, DO, FACOI
Jozia C. McGowan, DO, FACOI
Mary-Ellen Mick, DO, FACOI
Christine M. Samsa, DO, FACOI 
Amanda Staples Opperman, DO, FACOI
David L. Tolentino, DO, FACOI
Jasper Y. Yung, DO, FACOI 
Creighton Kellogg, DO, Resident Representative
Jordan Sexe, DO, Resident Representative
Robert Burns, Student Representative
Erin Ross, Staff Liaison

Practice Management Committee

Click here for full committee description

James J. Matera, DO, FACOI, Chair
Bradley Anderson, DO
Christopher T. Beal, DO, FACOI
Stephanie D. Bauerle, DO
Stephen R. Bell, DO, FACOI
Theresa K. Braden, DO, FACOI
Dale W. Bratzler, DO, MACOI
Valpersia D. Gainers, DO
Pamela N. Goldman, DO, FACOI
Robert G. Good, DO, MACOI
Frances F. Haas, DO, FACOI
Jacob Mathew, Jr., DO, FACOI
Joseph M. Zawisza, DO, FACOI 
Ali Harb, Resident Representative
Timothy McNichol, JD, Staff Liaison

Research Committee

Keith A. Reich, DO, MACOI, Chair
Rohit Arora, DO, FACOI
Damon Baker, DO, FACOI
Michael B. Clearfield, DO, MACOI
Amanda J. Finley, DO, FACOI
Nancy A. Finnigan, DO, FACOI
Peter G. Gulick, DO, MACOI
Robert W. Hostoffer, Jr., DO, FACOI
Yelena E. Kier, DO, FACOI
David H. Lindner, DO, MBA, FACOI
Thomas M. Motyka, DO
Katrina J. Platt, DO, FACOI
Gregg S. Silberg, DO, FACOI
Cara E. Ruggeri, DO
Samuel K. Snyder, DO, MACOI
Martin Nguyen, Student Representative
Kara Kerns, Staff Liaison

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