Committed to the Next Generation
Together we can make a difference in the future of osteopathic medical students and internal medicine residents. With a tradition of excellence, ACOI is committed to carry on our osteopathic traditions and practices with quality programs aimed to educate students about internal medicine and our subspecialties as well as to connect internal medicine residents with our devoted and extraordinary community.
Featured Programs
The impact of your support is advanced through several exciting and growing programs.
Visiting Professor Program

Help ACOI to expand the Visiting Professor Program with your commitment which helps to expose more osteopathic students to successful DO internist role models.
The Visiting Professor Program is one of ACOI’s flagship programs. ACOI sends members to osteopathic medical schools as Visiting Professors to educate students about internal medicine and our subspecialties.
Program Success from 2004 to Today:

Student Osteopathic Internal Medicine Association (SOIMA)

Your contributions help ACOI to fund club activities and student leadership opportunities.
In order to strengthen the community of medical students interested in Internal Medicine, ACOI formed SOIMA. Currently 46 student clubs are active in varying degrees. ACOI provides a yearly stipend of $1,000 to each club to plan activities during the school year. Our newest initiative includes formalizing a national student leadership forum to create a unified community of students with shared interests and goals.
ACOI Annual Convention & Scientific Sessions

Your commitment ensures that ACOI can continue to offer free registrations for all students and residents at future conventions.
Each fall, our community unites at the premier educational conference for osteopathic internists and subspecialists, the ACOI Annual Convention & Scientific Sessions. ACOI is committed to incorporating osteopathic medical students and residents into the conference experience with dedicated programming as well as leadership and mentoring opportunities. ACOI is currently offering free registration for students and residents at this year’s convention.