SOIMA 2024-2025 Officer Elections

Candidates for Secretary-Treasurer

Shweta Gupta, OMS-II, Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine - Middletown 

Hi everyone! My name is Shweta Gupta and I am currently an OMS-II at TouroCOM - Middletown. I am running for Secretary-Treasurer for the upcoming year. I would love to be a part of the national SOIMA leadership committee, so that I can work with the rest of the e-board to organize more networking and educational opportunities for students like myself. As someone who is currently president of a local chapter of Physician's for Human Rights club on campus, vice president of the 3D printing club, and a TA, I am not new to staying organized and efficient. I am working on organizing multiple events, including a educational haunted house, where kids from the community will have the opportunity to learn how to think like a physician and solve clinical cases. As Secretary-Treasurer, I will ensure the smooth organization of various events and ensure that we stay within our budget. 

Dipal Mistry, OMS IV, Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine - Carolinas

My name is Dipal Mistry, and I am currently an OMS IV at VCOM-Carolinas. I am excited to run for the position of Secretary-Treasurer for SOIMA due to my strong passion for Internal Medicine and my belief that I can actively contribute to advancing the interests of osteopathic medical students pursuing or considering a career in this field. I am confident that my qualifications, experiences, and aspirations best prepares me for the responsibilities of this role, and my background makes me an ideal candidate to advance this organization's mission.

As a first-generation American, I am deeply committed to providing equitable care to patients from all backgrounds. My volunteer work at free clinics serving rural populations, coupled with the incredible experiences I gained during two International Medical Outreach trips to the Dominican Republic, has given me a profound understanding of the challenges faced by underrepresented communities, such as navigating cultural barriers and accessing resources. Providing sustainable interventions and health education to improve the long term health outcomes of these communities  has enriched a strong sense of empathy and a mission to serve diverse populations.

My extensive involvement in both research and clinical settings strongly aligns with SOIMA’s commitment to enhancing the educational experience of osteopathic medical students as well as this organization’s emphasis on technological innovation in the field of Internal Medicine. My research projects on integrating Virtual Reality into medical education to better preparing students for real-world medical challenges exemplifies my engagement in advancing medical education, offering an engaging and effective supplement to the current curriculum. Moreover, SOIMA's focus on mentorship and professional development for aspiring Internal Medicine practitioners resonates deeply with me. I have demonstrated my dedication to mentoring and supporting the academic success of my peers through my roles as a tutor in Principles of Primary Care and OMM, a Youth Mentor with Big Brother Big Sister, and a coordinator of professional development workshops as the secretary of Sigma Sigma Phi, Chi Alpha Chapter.

My commitment to mentoring, research, and technology is consistent with SOIMA's values, making me a strong candidate for the position. If elected as Secretary-Treasurer of SOIMA, my primary goal would be to actively serve as a liaison within the medical community and at external events, focusing on training and career opportunities while advocating for the needs and interests of osteopathic Internal Medicine students across various platforms.

I would appreciate your consideration to vote for me and allowing me to serve the chapters of SOIMA. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at or (865) 307-2210.

Gloria Okafor, OMS II, Touro College of Osteopathic Medicine - Middletown

I am writing to express my enthusiasm and candidacy for the position of Secretary-Treasurer. With a deep commitment to the values and goals of our organization, I believe my skills and experience make me well-suited for this role.

Firstly, my organizational skills are one of my strongest assets. Throughout my academic and professional career, I have honed the ability to maintain accurate records, manage schedules, and facilitate efficient communication. As a former secretary for the Christian Dental and Medical Association (CMDA) at my school in TouroCOM Middletown, NY, I would ensure that our meetings are well-documented, our records meticulously maintained, and our communication channels open and effective. In the past, I was in charge of organizing a sign-up sheet every week for medical students who wanted to volunteer with Christ Health Care Ministry. I helped to ensure that students at my school had an allotted slot time and I communicated with members of the medical clinic to ensure that medical students arrive and assisted our local community.

Secondly, my financial acumen and attention to detail equip me to handle the responsibilities of Treasurer effectively. As the current treasurer for the Student National Medical Association (SNMA) at TouroCOM Middletown, I have experience managing budgets and finances as well as  keeping an accurate record of all transactions. I understand the importance of transparency and accountability in financial matters and would ensure our funds are managed responsibly.

Additionally, my collaborative nature and strong communication skills enable me to work effectively with diverse teams and stakeholders. I believe in fostering a positive and inclusive environment where every member's voice is heard and valued.

If elected, I am committed to serving our organization with dedication, integrity, and enthusiasm. I am eager to contribute to our continued success and growth, ensuring that we achieve our collective goals and uphold the values that define us.

Thank you for considering my candidacy. I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to our organization as Secretary-Treasurer.

Areebah Ahmed, OMS I, Rocky Vista University Montana College of Osteopathic Medicine

My name is Areebah Ahmed, and I am excited to run for the position of Secretary-Treasurer of the Student Osteopathic Internal Medicine Association. My background in leadership, gained through my previous role as the president in a STEM tutoring organization, has prepared me to effectively manage SOIMA’s finances with transparency and accuracy.

As Secretary-Treasurer, I will prioritize the financial stability of our organization, ensuring that our resources are used efficiently to benefit all members. I am committed to maintaining clear communication, accurate records, and supporting initiatives that further our mission to empower osteopathic internists.

I am eager to contribute my skills to SOIMA and help foster a strong, collaborative community. Together, we can build on our foundation and create new opportunities for growth and development in osteopathic internal medicine.

Thank you for your consideration.

Ria Sebastian, OMS III, Nova Southeastern University Kiran C. Patel College of Osteopathic Medicine

Hello! My name is Ria Sebastian, and I am running to be ACOI’s secretary-treasurer for the 2024-2025 term. For the past year, I have served as the vice president of Nova Southeastern’s SOIMA chapter, working with my e-board to increase our peers' interest in and knowledge of internal medicine and all its subspecialties. We had a great turnout at our events, notably our talk with Dr. Hasty, which over 100 DO students attended to learn how to get into residency. We emphasized mentorship by providing exam practice questions and clinical skills exam reviews, which gave our first-year students support during their coursework and our second-year students a role as mentors. Over the school year, we also held events to learn about prescribing controlled substances, diversifying income as a physician, and the lifestyle of different specialists, which helped our members learn more about our future careers in ways that don’t fit a traditional curriculum. 

As the potential secretary/treasurer, I hope to bring the experiences I gained through this role to the national level. Organizing these events, tracking participation, and planning logistics such as catering and student engagement are all valuable skills that will translate well into my role for national SOIMA. I strive to continue our chapter’s goals of education and mentorship at the national level, providing support and resources to other chapters to engage our peers in valuable discussions and opportunities to interact with professionals. Outside of ACOI, I was also active in Sigma Sigma Phi as our chapter secretary. I simultaneously planned service events, tracked applicant participation, and found solutions as problems inevitably arose. This role further strengthened skills that make me adaptable, well-organized, and thus well-suited to help our board innovate SOIMA at the national level. Should I be elected, I hope to streamline communication between local chapters and the national board. This may include a platform where we can regularly reach each other and promote collaboration between different schools.

Further, I believe creating a digital archive of chapters’ accomplishments and events will help us connect and learn from each other. I also think that providing chapters with a formal feedback mechanism or support channel will help us continually improve and better serve the local chapters. Overall, I believe that in this role, I can enhance collaboration and foster engagement between the national SOIMA board and local chapters so we, as future osteopathic physicians, can build a more robust network and support each other.
Rachel Hazlitt, OMS II, Oklahoma State University College of Osteopathic Medicine

I am honored to announce my candidacy for the position of Secretary/Treasurer, and I am eager to contribute my skills and education to serving the mission of the American College of Osteopathic Internists (ACOI) and our student members. As a national representative of ACOI, I aspire to contribute to the continued growth and success of our organization.

In my role as a campus representative for ACOI, I have witnessed the significant benefits that come from active participation by our student body. This experience has deepened my commitment to expanding the reach of our organization, with the goal of serving osteopathic students at the national level. I would greatly value the opportunity to support and enhance the engagement of our members across the country.

Stay True to Why You Pursued Medicine.