Why Are My Patients Bleeding? Indications of Cardiac Anticoagulation
Robert J. Fanning, DO, FACOI
Improving Glycemic Control in Hospitalized Patients
Jack L. Snitzer, DO, FACOI
Diastolic Heart Failure
Robert J. Fanning, DO, FACOI
Potpourri of Endocrine Emergencies
Louis Haenel, IV, DO, FACOI
E&M Coding Pitfalls
Jill M. Young, CPC, CEDC, CIMC
Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome
Timothy J. Barreiro, DO, FACO
Time-Based Billing
Jill M. Young, CPC, CEDC, CIMC
Non-Invasive Ventilator Techniques
Amita Vasoya, DO, FACOI
Code Stroke
William Hicks, MD
Addressing Code Status: A Practical Guide to Difficult Conversations
Marianne M. Holler, DO, FACOI
Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease
Glenn D. Haraway, DO, FACOI
Superficial Varicose and Deep Vein Concerns
Glenn D. Haraway, DO, FACOI
Artificial Nutrition and Hydration at the End of Life
Marianne M. Holler, DO, FACOI
When Back Pain is More Than Just Back Pain: Timely Diagnosis and Management of Spinal Infections
Shakeel A. Chowdhry, MD
Managing DMARDs in the Inpatient Setting
Robert L. DiGiovanni, DO, FACOI
Management of Toxicities of the New Oncologic Agents
Kevin P. Hubbard, DO, MACOI
Cardiorenal Syndrome
Samuel K. Snyder, DO, FACOI
Liver Failure: Chronic Liver Diagnosis and Management in the Hospital
Kevin Dolehide, DO, FACOI
Tips on Diagnosis and Management in Bleeding and Coagulopathy
Amanda E. Haynes, DO
Blood Product Utilization
Amanda E. Haynes, DO
Bundled Care Payment Initiative
Dale W. Bratzler, DO, MACOI
Dale W. Bratzler, DO, MACOI
Effective OMM in the Hospital
Laura M. Rosch, DO, FACOI
Curbside Consultations
Gerald W. Blackburn, DO, MACOI; Martin C. Burke, DO, FACOI
Hospital Curbside
Scott L. Girard, DO, FACOI
Curbside Allergy Immunology
Bryan L. Martin, DO, FACOI
Sepsis: Get with the Guidelines, Save Lives
David V. Condoluci, DO, MACOI
Strategies for the Use of Procalcitonin
Matthew Exline, MD
The Speed of Trust
Bryan L. Martin, DO, FACOI
Scott L. Girard, DO, FACOI