ACOI Student Lecture Series

In the spirt of collaboration with colleges of medicine around the country, the ACOI hosts virtual student monthly leadership meetings open to all 46 ACOI student internal medicine clubs throughout the nation. The ACOI Student Lecture Series program hosts presentations and subsequent discussions designed to bring college medical club leaders and medical students together with ACOI leadership and mentors. These meetings are free of charge for all ACOI student members. 

Inspired by the success of both ACOI’s Virtual Visiting Professors Program and the student education programming offered annually as part of the ACOI Annual Convention & Scientific Sessions, the goal of the lecture series is to connect more frequently with chapters and to help osteopathic internal medicine students be successful. 

The series provides students support to navigate some of the most common hurdles and stressors they face, such as passing board exams and developing research programs. The monthly education sessions and interactions focus on a variety of topics that assist club leaders in building strong supportive clubs, as well as leverage thought leadership from other ACOI student chapters throughout the country.

2024-2025 LECTURES

Pre-Clinical (Geared towards OMS-I and OMS-II)

  • March 20, 2025 (8:00-9:00 PM ET)
    • Topic: CV Preparation and Letters of Recommendation - Nicholas LaTorre, MA
    • Synopsis: Provide students with insights on how to obtain letters of recommendation, and prepare a CV to maximize their chances for success.


  • April 17, 2025 (8:00-9:00 PM ET)
    • Topic: Preparing for Clinical Rotations - Professionalism - Mark Baldwin, DO, MACOI
    • Synopsis: Provide students with guidance on what it means to be "professional" as a medical student and beyond. This section will provide insight and advice on leveraging a good reputation while pursuing a career in medicine.


  • May 15, 2025 (8:00-9:00 PM ET)
    • Topic: Preparing for Clinical Rotations: How to Handle Challenging Situations with Patients
    • Synopsis: Using real-life examples of challenges students have experienced during their clinical rotations, our panel of physicians will provide their insights on how best to navigate and advocate for patients.


Clinical (Geared towards OMS-III and OMS-IV)

  • March 19, 2025 (8:00-9:00 PM ET)
    • Topic: Hyponatremia - David Levy, DO, FACOI
    • Synopsis: Provide students with an introductory overview of hyponatremia.  This section will include information on how to identify and manage the condition with case-based examples.
    • Topic: Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) - John Arthur, DO
    • Synopsis: Provide students with an introductory overview of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).  This section will include information on how to identify and manage the condition with case-based examples.


  • April 23, 2025 (8:00-9:00 PM ET)
    • Topic: Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) - Christopher Sciamanna, DO, FACOI
    • Synopsis: Provide students with an introductory overview of chronic heart failure (CHF).  This section will include information on how to identify and manage the condition and provide students with insight to understand the pathophysiology of CHF.
    • Topic: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Exacerbation - Joseph Giaimo, DO, MACOI
    • Synopsis: Provide students with an introductory overview of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbation.  This section will help students to recognize the signs and symptoms of COPD exacerbation, how to diagnose the condition, and how to treat and follow up with patients.



For more information, contact Kara Kerns at

Past Session Recordings

Pre-Clinical (Geared for OMS-I and OMS-II students)

  • Welcome
    • Speaker: ACOI President, Susan Enright, DO, MACOI
  • Introduction to ACOI
    • Speaker: Tim McNichol, JD
    • Synopsis: Provides students with an overview of the ACOI and what resources we have for osteopathic medical students.
  • How to Build a Successful Internal Medicine Club
    • Speaker: National SOIMA President, Emily Ranta, OMS-IV
    • Synopsis: Provides tips on how to create a successful internal medicine program.

Clinical (Geared for OMS-III and OMS-IV students)

  • Welcome
    • Speaker: ACOI President, Susan Enright, DO, MACOI
  • Understanding the Basics of Infectious Diseases
    • Speaker: MarkAlain Dery, DO, MPH, FACOI
    • Synopsis: Students will be provided with the basics of infectious diseases.  Students will be able to define infectious diseases and the most common hospital examples.
  • Self-Reflection/Learning from Feedback
    • Speaker: Steven Halm, DO, FACOI
    • Synopsis: Students will be presented with the importance of self-reflection and how they can receive feedback and provide constructive feedback to others.            


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