Hierarchical Condition Category (HCC) Coding, Risk Adjustment and Outcome Scores
Stephanie D. Bauerle, DO
Medical Marijuana: The Blurred Coundaries of Politics and Medicine
C. Clark Milton, DO, FACOI
Caring for the Doc: Impact of Physician Well-Being on Patient Care
Pamela S. N. Goldman, DO, MHSA, FACOI
Pumping New Therapies into the Management of Chronic Heart Failure
Christopher J. Sciamnanna, DO
Diabetic Heart Disease: A Ticking Time Bomb!
Robert J. Chilton, DO, FACOI
Women and Heart Disease Prevention: Should We Be Doing Anything New?
Kathleen J. Drinan, DO, FACOI
Surgical vs. Percutaneous Coronary Revascularization in Paients with Diabetes and Acute Coronary Syndrome
Christopher C. Cook, MD, FACS, FACC
Cardio-Oncology: New Insights into an Old Problem
Christopher Bianco, DO
Tests I Wish You'd Never Ordered
Gerald W. Blackburn, DO, FACOI
Mark D. Baldwin, DO, FACOI
Pedro A. Espat, DO, FACOI
J. Michael Finley, DO, FACOI
Mark D. Baldwin, DO, FACOI
Creating & Formatting Successful Lectures
Annette T. Carron, DO, FACOI
Cardiovascular Disease Prevention: Current Knowledge, Future Directions
Daniel B. Levy, MD
The Benefits and Limits of PPIs with Warfarin Regimens
Charlene Lepane, DO, FACOI
Case Report: Elevated AST, ALT with No History of Liver Disease; You Make the Diagnosis!
Maryam Roden Kashi, DO
Advances in Endoscopy
Gary L. Cornette, DO, FACOI
Unraveling the Effect of Antihyperglycemic Agents on Cardiovascular Risk
Louis C. Haenel, Jr., DO, FACOI
Mimickers of Vasculitis
Eugene R. Jalbert, II, DO
Rheumatology Labs for the General Internist
Adam J. Grunbaum, DO, FACOI, FACR
Building an Improved Management Strategy for Osteoporsis
Sarena Ravi, MD
HIV and the Realities of #GettingToZero
MarkAlain Dery, DO, FACOI
New Antimicrobials and Rapid Diagnostics: Implications for Antibiotic Stewardship
Mia A. Taormina, DO, FACOI
Controversies of Prospective Clinical Infectious Diseases: Point-Counterpoint
Mia A. Taormina, DO, FACOI
Gaining Through Giving
Alexander Macnab, FAHP, CFRE
Neurology in the Hospital
Roberta Rose, DO
Evidence-Based Education: We’ve Talked the Talk, Now Let’s Walk the Walk!
Donald S. Nelinson, PhD
Evaluation and Treatment of the Suspicious Solitary Pulmonary Nodule
Miguel Alvelo-Rivera, MD
The Preoperative Pulmonary Evaluation
Michelle Zetoony, DO, FACOI
OSA New Treatment Options and the Non-Compliant Patient
Michelle Zetoony, DO, FACOI
Biologic Agents in the Treatment of Severe Asthma
Daniel L. Maxwell, DO, FACOI
Competency-Based Education: Providing Faculty Feedback
Jill R. Patton, DO, FACOI, FACP
Incorporating Learners into Patient Safety Programs
Charles M. Husson, DO, FACOI
Osteopathic Recognition and Beyond
Eric A. Elliott, DO
Addressing Unmet Needs in Type 2 Diabetes Management with Injectable Medications
Jeffrey S. Freeman, DO, FACOI
Fungal Sinusitis
Steven Houser, MD
Chronic Urticaria
Julie Sterbank, DO, FACOI
Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic State
Erica M. Kretchman, DO
Technology and Outpatient Insulin Management
Eric S. Langer, DO, FACOI
Endocrine Hypertension
John R. Sutton, DO, FACOI
How to Recognize and Address the Impact of Violence on Your Patients
Wayne Ducatel, DO, FACOI
Cardiogenic Shock: Updated Approach to Management
George G. Sokos, DO, FACC
Hospitalist Interest Group: Critical Care in the Hospital, Shock Management
Patrick C. Cullinan, DO, FACOI, NBPNS, FCCM, FACOEP
Washington Update: Legislation, Regulation and a Changing Court
Timothy W. McNichol, JD
Volume Resuscitation
Patrick C. Cullinan, DO, FACOI, NBPNS, FCCM, FACOEP
Radioactive Iodine Therapy for Hyperthyroidism
Mark Tulchinsky, MD
The Artificial Feeding Controversy: Who, What & When?
Sonali M. Wilborn, MD, MBA
LTACHs: Role in the Future of Healthcare
Jerome Wilborn, DO
Palliative Medicine Update 2018
Jason Beckrow, DO, FACOI
Leonard R. Hock, DO, MACOI
Independent Practice vs. Hospital Employment
Sheila M. Mints, JD
Emotional Intelligence
Sara Ancello, DO
Coding: What You Need to Know
Joshua Layher, DO
When the Physician is Harassed by a Patient
Robert G. Good, DO, FACOI
Natalie R. Sessions, DO, FACOI
Health System Sciences: The Third Medical Science, The Key to Future Leadership
Issac Kirstein, DO, FACOI
Medical Student Burnout
Robert G. Good, DO, FACOI
Florida Laws, Rules and Medical Ethics
Jason D. Winn, Esq.
Prescribing Controlled Substances Update
Thomas F. Jan, DO
Mitchell D. Forman, DO, FACOI
W.Donald Havins, MD, JD
Prevention of Medical Errors
Tiffany Sizemore-Ruiz, DO
An Introduction to Human Trafficking For the Healthcare Professional
Rachel Robitz, MD
Domestic Violence
Michelle Mendez, DO
Breathing New Air into COPD & Asthma
Amita Vasoya, DO, FACOI
Nephrology in the World of Climate Change
Samuel K. Snyder, DO, FACOI
Ilya Glezerman, MD
Evolving Technologies in the Future World of Green Nephrology
Robert Kossman, MD
Advances in Acute Myeloid Leukemia
Harry P. Erba, MD, PhD
Polycythemia Vera and the Implications of Uncontrolled Disease
Mary Jo Voelpel, DO, FACOI
Optimizing COPD Outcomes Through the Lens of Osteopathic Medicine
Robert A. Cain, DO, FACOI
Balancing Patient Care Influenced by OPP and Patient Care Guided by OPP
Stacey Pierce-Talsma, DO
Diets, Nutrition: Living Longer
Charlene LePane, DO, FACOI
Hospitalist Interest Group: What the Oncologist Wants the Hospitalist to Know
Kevin P. Hubbard, DO, MACOI