CVD Risk Reduction in Women - Erin Michos, MD
Chest Pain Evaluation: Is There an Optimal Test? - Vincent Carr, DO, FACOI
Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring - Erin Michos, MD
Anemia and Iron Deficiency in CHF: New Insights - Frederick A. Schaller, DO, MACOI
Going Beyond 30 Days: Novel Detection of Occult Atrial Fibrillation - Martin C. Burke, DO, FACOI
Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion vs. Anticoagulation - Kenneth J. Tobin, DO, FACOI
Cardiac Ablation: Patient Selection and Methods - Martin C. Burke, DO, FACOI
Impact and Management of Atrial Fibrillation in Cardiomyopathy - Kenneth J. Tobin, DO, FACOI
Managing Ventricular Tachyarrhythmias 2019: Med, Devices and Ablation - Martin C. Burke, DO, FACOI
Cardiorenal Syndrome - John E. Prior, DO, FACOI
New Hypertension Management Guidelines: ACC vs ADA vs ACP Debate - Troy L. Randle, DO, FACOI
CHIP - Complex High Risk PCI - Mutka C. Srivastava, MD
Multi-Vessel vs Culprit Vessel PCI in STEMI - Mutka C. Srivastava, MD
Exercise Therapy and Cardiomyopathy in the Elderly Cardiac Patient - Troy L. Randle, DO, FACOI
Role of Neprolysin Inhibition in CHF - Christopher J. Sciamanna, DO
New Diabetes Therapeutics and CV Risk Reduction - Robert J. Chilton, DO, FACOI
LVAD Update - Christopher J. Sciamana, DO
Indications/Qualifications/Testing - Optimal Timing for Use - Martin C. Burke, DO, FACOI
Managing Meds Without a BP - Robert J. Chilton, DO, FACOI
Complications and Follow-Up - Destination Therapy Prognosis - Vikranth Gongidi, DO, FACOI
Perioperative Beta Blockade: The Controversy Continues - Robert J. Chilton, DO, FACOI
Chemotherapy and Cardiomyopathy: Detection and Intervention - Vikranth Gongidi, DO, FACOI
Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Detection and Intervention - Robert J. Chilton, DO, FACOI
Cardiac Amyloidosis: No Longer the Rare Diagnosis; Detection and Intervention - Vikranth Gongidi, DO, FACOI
High Impact Adult Congenital Heart Disease for the General Cardiologist - Saurabh Rajpal, MD
Anticoagulation in Pregnancy - Saurabh Rajpal, MD
Primary Prevention with Anticoagulation: The Compass Trial - Chad A. Link, DO
HFpEF – What’s New 2019 - Felix J. Rogers, DO, FACOI
Triple Therapy: The Debate Goes On - Chad A. Link, DO
Aortic Stenosis: Diagnostic Pearls for Beginners and Experts - Felix J. Rogers, DO, FACOI
Use of Anticoagulants in Peripheral Vascular Disease - Bruce L. Mintz, DO