Martin C. Burke, DO, FACOI

Why We Pursued Medicine

by Martin C. Burke, DO, FACOI
Chair, ACOI Wellness Task Force

June 2, 2021

A prominent pillar woven into the very fabric of the ACOI is Wellness. Our daily philosophies seek wellness for our families, friends, and patients with drive and determination. The toil of such a life can sometimes become overwhelming. For us and the ACOI to be true to why we pursued medicine, we need to also look in the mirror and gauge our own wellness and have support systems in place that are professional and flexible.

The ACOI is committed to examining the status of our members health as well as the work environment that daily undermines such health. As first responders (those who accelerate towards problems) we often place others ahead of ourselves and in many circumstances this soul is taken for granted and exploited by so-called leaders in the system.

A simple question that you can ask yourself is, “Do I feel overburdened and underappreciated?” Our professional health is suffering. Our ability to lead, teach, and drive an individual’s care through Principle Centered Medicine™ seems to be used poorly by a corrupted system. As you can see, this is a menagerie so complex that it periodically feels hopeless. The system is pushing us away from our true pursuits.

The ACOI Wellness Task Force is undaunted in using our “Principles” to provide health and wellness to our members, our patients, and team members to combat the anger, grief, and emotional distress that most of the US heath industry is creating. The Task Force wants to focus on our first responders, especially physicians. The ACOI, through the recommendations of the Board and Task Force, is setting up a Wellness Retreat for select members to decompress in a safe place and engage in peer-to-peer counseling. The pandemic has limited in-person meetings, but we have had video conferencing peer-to- peer events that have been well-received, and more are planned with discussions surrounding ways to regain leadership in the healthcare system, time management, addiction, and debt management.

These events need our members to share their raw emotions and stories so that together we can find a place to allow our Principles to regain the day. So please reach out to the ACOI office with your needs.

The ACOI is pedestaled by four pillars: Leadership, Community, Education, and Wellness. Our ability to provide health and wellness to osteopathic physicians committed to others is steeped in these four pillars because they are YOU. My brothers and sisters, you are the Task Force and we can and will right this ship.

ACOI Pillars: Leadership, Community, Education, Health & Wellness

Stay True to Why You Pursued Medicine.