This includes all of the presentations that have been provided to us in advance.
We will post additional presentations as they are received.
Update on the Current Management of: Deep Vein Thrombosis; Carotid Artery Disease; Peripheral Arterial Disease
Robert M. Schainfeld, DO
DVT Science/Pseudoscience
Bruce Mintz, DO
Thrombophilias: Who to Test
Bruce Mintz, DO
Cardiology Late Breaking Clinical Trials
Martin C. Burke, DO, FACOI
Cardiology 101: What’s Real and What’s Bogus
Michael T. Broman, MD, PhD
Atherosclerosis: Omics to Future Clinical Challenges
Robert J. Chilton, DO, FACOI
Micro RNA vs DNA: Where Does the Science Lie?
Michael T. Broman, MD, PhD
Which Cardiomyopathies Are Best Evaluatedwith Genetic Testing and Why?
George G. Sokos, DO
Will Genotype or Phenotype Drive Cardiac Interventions?
Robert J. Chilton, DO, FACOI
Tests I Wish You’d Never Ordered
Gerald W. Blackburn, DO, MACOI, Moderator
Robert L. DiGiovanni, DO, FACOI
Kevin P. Hubbard, DO, MACOI
Stephen J. Sokalski, DO, FACOI
MarkAlain Dery, DO, FACOI
Interactive and Specialist Care Across the Miles: eCare and it's Impact on Today's Health
Emily K. Hurst, DO, FACOI
Legal Issues in Practice Management In the New Health Care Environment
Sheila M. Mints
Estate Planning Session
Sandy McNab, FAHP, CFRE
What's New in Obesity Treatment?
Louis J. Aronne, MD
Newer OACs in Chronic Kidney Disease and ESRD
Kevin E. Chan, MD
Renal Denervation and Hypertension
Walead Latif, DO
Metformin in Chronic Kidney Disease
Rizwan Moinuddin, DO
Breathing New Air Into the Treatment of COPD and Asthma
Timothy Barreiro, DO, FACOI
Zika Update
Kristina Angelo, DO (CDC)
Vaccines – Pseudo-Science of the Vaccine Doubters
MarkAlain Dery, DO, FACOI
Hodge-Podge of ID
Mia A. Taormina, DO, FACOI
Responding to Requests for Potentially Inappropriate Treatment in the Intensive Care Unit
Donald C. Kowalewski, DO, FACOI
Patients With Morbid Obesity as a Special Population in Critical Care
U. Inge Ferguson, DO, FACOI
Ethical Dilemmas with Vulnerable Populations
Mitchell D. Forman, DO, FACOI
Weldon (Don) Havins, MD, JD
Physician Burnout
Robert G. Good, DO, FACOI
Unconcious Bias in Medicine
Jayne Kendall, MD, MBA, FACEP, CDE
Osteopathic Continuous Certification Update
Gary L. Slick, DO, MACOI
Approach to Your LGBT Patient
Mia A. Taorimina, DO, FACOI
Care Management Non Physician Practitioner Billing
Jill M. Young, CDC
New Screening Guidelines for Colon Cancer and Prostate Cancer
Amita Vasoya, DO, FACOI & Watson Ducatel, DO
Pulmonary Fibrosis
Kevin R. Flaherty, MD
E-Cigarettes: Pros/Con’s
Sara M. Kalkhoran, MD
REM Sleep Behavior Disorder
Amita Vasoya, DO, FACOI
Thomas F. Morley, DO, FACOI
Influencing Cardiovascular Risk With Antihyperglycemic Agents: Focus on SGLT2 Inhibitors and Incretin-Based Therapies
Jeffrey S. Freeman, DO, FACOI
DiGeorge Syndrome
Robert Hostoffer, DO, FACOI
Tina E. Abraham, DO
STAT Mutations
Robert Hostoffer, DO, FACOI
Monica Sandhu, DO
Alleviating Chronic Pain
Thomas Jan, DO
Medication Appropriateness for the Aging Population
Terrie B. Ginsberg, DO, FACOI
AGS 2015 Updating Beers Criteria
Ehab E. Tuppo, DO, FACOI
Women and Stable Ischemic Heart Disease
Kathleen Drinan, DO, FACOI
What’s New in Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Charlene A. LePane, DO, FACOI
Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Charlene A. LePane, DO, FACOI
Blood Pressure in the Elderly
Terrie B. Ginsberg, DO, FACOI
Update on DVT/PE Treatments
Timothy A. Barreiro, DO, FACOI
Prophylaxis vs Preemptive Treatment of Cytomegalovirus
Judith A. Lightfoot, DO, FACOI
Understanding the New Medicare Payment System
Dale W. Bratzler, DO, MPH
Update on Molecular Imaging in Dementia
Jonathan McConathy, MD, PhD
Nutrition in Medicine: Calories or Therapeutic Modality
Matthew Bectold, MD
Microbiome and Its Relation to Human Disease
Brittany Goss, DO, FACOI
Associated Risk of Cardiovascular Disease with Elevated Uric Acid
Keith A. Reich, DO, FACOI
Mark Vercel, DO
Exploring the New Landscape of HCV Therapy
Richard A. Manch MD, FAASLD, FACP, FACG
Thyroid Hormone Replacement
Louis C. Haenel, IV, DO, FACOI
Vitamin D – The Vitamin du Jour
Louis C. Haenel, III, DO, FACOI
Checking the Immune System in Cancer:What General Internists Need to Know
Michael B. Dabrow, DO, FACOI
Unproven Therapies in Prostate Cancer
Kenneth M. Simon, DO, FACOI
Hospice and Palliative Care Medicine Update for the Internist
Marianne M. Holler, DO, FACOI
Medication for the Terminal Patient Who Can’t Swallow
Annette T. Carron, DO, FACOI
Prognostication: Updated from the Literature
Marianne M. Holler, DO, FACOI