ACOI Cancels "Big 4" Meetings Scheduled for Orlando, April 29-May 3
After careful consideration and in response to the growing impact of the Coronavirus Disease, the ACOI has made the responsible decision to cancel its spring meetings scheduled for April 29-May 3 in Orlando, FL. This decision recognizes that osteopathic internists, residents and fellows are needed at home to provide essential services as their communities, combat the pandemic. It also reflects recommendations of the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control to limit the size of gatherings across the country.
The affected ACOI meetings are the Internal Medicine Board Review Course, Clinical Challenges in Hosptial Medicine, Exploring New Science in Cardiovascular Medicine, and the Congress on Medical Education for Residency Trainers. Registrants will be contacted directly regarding options for the return or repurposing of registration fees. Those who have made travel and hotel reservations are urged to cancel them promptly.
May 10-11, 2019
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel, Baltimore, MD
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