"You have not lived until you have done something for someone who can never repay you."
John Bunyan
"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."
Winston Churchill
To be a mentor is one of the highest callings. You are looked up to, admired, respected. You give guidance; you lead by example. You have a chance to make a difference in the life of another human being who will carry on your values.
As a mentor, you will be expected to give of yourself. You will be expected to answer questions and give advice. This is a one-year commitment, renewable for life.
What is in it for the mentor? No pay, no time off, no public accolades. Just the overwhelming satisfaction of knowing you have made a difference where it really counts: in the future of the profession which has been so good to you.
ACOI Mentor Program Goals
The ACOI Mentor Program was created in 2001 under the leadership of then-President Karen J. Nichols, DO, with these goals:
- To increase the percentage of DO students entering internal medicine;
- To increase the percentage of DO students in osteopathic internal medicine programs; and
- To increase the percentage of graduating residents in DO and MD internal medicine programs who become active participants in the family of osteopathic internal medicine.
About the Mentor Program
Application Forms
Mentor Application Form
"Mentee" Application Form for Current Residents
"Mentee" Application Form for Students
To become an ACOI Mentor or "Mentee", please download and complete the appropriate application form and email it to Kara Kerns.