Donor Spotlight
I choose to give to the ACOI in support of the College and its mission to enhance the careers of all osteopathic internists in their career as they serve and dedicate their lives to their communities.
— Alan W. Wan, DO, FACOI
We feel it is important to support the ACOI so that the College has the resources to continue providing the programs and services that ACOI members need. We are fortunate that our current income allows us to join many ACOI members in giving back to the College.
— Nathan Samsa, DO, FACOI, and Christine Samsa, DO, FACOI
I chose to make a major gift because of my deep belief and involvement in ACOI. There is no doubt in my mind that ACOI uses our contributions to fund current and future initiatives that will benefit our family of osteopathic internists. That’s why I appeal to our members to join me in supporting the ACOI today.
— Robert L. DiGiovanni, DO, MACOI
I am passionate about being an osteopathic internist, therefore, it is natural and credible for me to support this organization with my time and finances. The College truly serves as the guardian of the osteopathic internal medicine profession.
— Laura Rosch, DO, FACOI
I know I am considerably younger than others who have included ACOI in their will. Since I was just starting my career, it was my wife who felt we should take advantage of an estate-planning program that ACOI was providing to its members. We wanted to make good financial decisions from the start, and getting free advice seemed like a good way to start. At some point during the process, we were asked if we would consider including ACOI in my will. My wife and I said yes because of what the College has done for me.
— Matthew R. Hardee, DO, FACOI
To keep programs that support the education and training of osteopathic internists, medical students, and residents strong, and to provide for future programs that will shape ACOI for new members, bequest provisions or other estate plan gifts will ensure that financial support will be there for our future. I’m glad that when we were drafting our estate plan Jim and I included a provision for ACOI, and hope that every member will consider joining us in doing so.
— Karen J. Nichols, DO, MACOI