Potpourri of Guidelines We Are Not Following - Michael A. Adornetto, DO, MBA, FACOI
Diabetic Post-Operative Care - Jack L. Snitzer, DO, FACOI
Hypoglycemia that Usually Isn’t - Jack L. Snitzer, DO, FACOI
Dementia and Delirium - Roberta S. Rose, DO
Treating the Parkinson Patient in the Hospital - Roberta S. Rose, DO
MIPS, ACOs, Etc.- John B. Bulger, DO, MBA, FACOI
Quality Improvement and the Alphabet Soup of Healthcare Reform - John B. Bulger, DO, MBA, FACOI
Hospice and Palliative Care — An Opportunity To Make A Difference At The End of Life - Kevin P. Hubbard, DO, MACOI
Sepsis Guidelines: What’s New? - MarkAlain Dery, DO, FACOI
Latent TB Infection and Non-Tuberculous Mycobacterial Infections - Kenneth Woods, DO
Transfusion Therapy: When to Use it and How to Minimize it - Amanda Haynes, DO
Ultrasound for the Hospitalist - Nicolas Denne, MD
In the Mind of the Triage Hospitalist - Christian S. Greco, DO
Cannabis Confusion and the Hospitalist - C. Clark Milton, DO, FACOI
Curbside Consultations - Gerald W. Blackburn, DO, MACOI
Curbside Consultations - Timothy J. Barreiro, DO, FACOI
Curbside Consultations - Annette T. Carron, DO, FACOI
Curbside Consultations - MarkAlain Dery, DO, FACOI
Curbside Consultations - Rick A. Greco, DO, FACOI
Introduction to Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT): Removing the Stigma - James H. Berry, DO
Addiction in the Hospital: Managing the Polysubstance Dependent Patient - Patrick Marshalek, MD
Heart Failure Guideline Updates - Chad A. Link, DO
Why Are My Patients Bleeding, Again!! Update on Cardiac Indications for Anticoagulation - Robert J. Fanning, DO
Adults With Congenital Heart Disease for the Internist - Saurabh Rajpal, MD
When is a Troponin not an MI? - Robert J. Fanning, DO
Pulmonary Hypertension Update - Timothy J. Barreiro, DO, FACOI (invited)
Sleep Apnea – What’s New? - Timothy J. Barreiro, DO, FACOI (invited)
Tele-Medicine: Coding & Billing - Jill M. Young, CPC, CEDC, CIMC
OMM - Thoracic Somatic Dysfunction - Antonios J. Tsompanidis, DO
Current Changes with the E&M in Medicare - Jill M. Young, CPC, CEDC, CIMC
OMM Procedures at Bedside in the Hospital - Antonios J. Tsompanidis, DO