2025 Internist of the Year: Nominate Your Colleagues by May 31!


March 4, 2025

Excellence. Impact. Outstanding leadership. ACOI is searching for candidates who embody these traits to be nominated for the 2025 Internist of the Year, and we need your recommendations!  

What qualifies an osteopathic internist to be considered for this honor? We are looking for individuals who have made major contributions to osteopathic internal medicine, as demonstrated by the following:  

  • Clinical excellence, per the opinion of osteopathic internal medicine leaders;
  • Receipt of awards recognizing that clinical excellence from hospitals, state healthcare organizations and the community;
  • Development of a model clinical program that has made an impact on osteopathic internal medicine;
  • A leadership role in clinical direction as a chief of medicine, medical director, or similar position;
  • Recognition of bedside teaching excellence.

Does a certain ACOI member come to mind when you read this list? If so, we want to hear from you!

The Internist of the Year award is presented each year at the Annual Convention. You can review the past recipients of this award as well as the Teacher of the Year and Researcher of the Year awards on our website.


Nominees are recommended by peers, which makes this honor all the more meaningful. The ACOI 2023 Internist of the Year, Humayun “Hank” Chaudhry, DO, MACOI, had this to say about the award and being nominated:

“This isn’t the type of recognition that individuals typically seek out, so when they do happen, they are a pleasant surprise! We all try to be good doctors and make a difference in the lives of our patients and our communities, so I am grateful for Dr. Kevin Hubbard, my colleague and friend who nominated me for the honor, as well as for the Board of the ACOI for bestowing this on me. It means a lot.”

Share your appreciation today. Submit your nominations to by May 31, 2025. Nominations should take the form of a letter detailing the individual’s accomplishments and activities deserving consideration.

Questions? Email to learn more about the annual awards and nomination process. 

Stay True to Why You Pursued Medicine.